Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hangzhou view


I spoke with my mother about my next blog entry and asked her where her favorite place was in China that she had been to. She quickly and simply answered, “Hangzhou”. I asked her if she could sum it up in a few words and she said, “Great seafood, clean air, landscape and pent houses.”
Hangzhou sits right along side China’s West Lake, it is estimated to be over seven thousand years old created back in the Neolithic era. The city itself was created in the Qin Dynasty, in 589 AD, and was originally named Qiantang County then later changed to Hangzhou, which means, “River-ferrying Prefecture”.


“Every year they have this Dragon festival, and people decorate their boats to resemble dragons.” My mother said. The festival is held in Xixi where there is a famous boat race, held every year around, the end of May. Boating skill and technique are valued far over speed; the boaters must perform stylized maneuvers and ancient technique. The dragon boat custom can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the area if Xixi has numerous wetlands that would flood during the summer. In order to keep these natural disasters at bay, people began to pray to the Dragon King, a god believed to control rivers and water ways, to keep them safe and bring good blessings. Not a bad tradition if you ask me!
She spoke of their wonderful sea food, “Best in all the world.” She said. “The scenery and gardens are captivating and amazing.” Hangzhou has been inspiration for painters and poets for many, many, many years. And after seeing the pictures I believe it. This ancient city has been around since ancient times, back in the days when dragons I bet did exist. It has one leg in the modern world and another in the realm mystical and fantasy. If you want to come to a place to see a modern city which has been around since the time of legends then come see what Hangzhou has to offer.

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